Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP)

This program provides high-quality support services at a low intensity on a short-term or ongoing basis; or higher intensity services delivered on a short-term or episodic basis.

People eligible for CHSP are frail older people of 65 years and over or 50 years and over for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The program aims to maximise their independence both at home and in the community. 

The program supports frail older people or prematurely aged people (50 years and over, or 45 years and over for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people) who are on a low income and who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. CHSP connects people with appropriate and sustainable housing, community care and other support services. 

CHSP supports frail older people through the delivery of planned respite activities which allow carers to take a break from their usual caring responsibilities. 

The Elders' participation in this program supports the development of the home support aged care service system that meets the aims of the Commonwealth Home Support Programme and broader aged care system. 

Meals: Provide frail, older people with access to meals.

Transport: Provide frail, older people with access to transport services that supports their access to the community. 

Social support: To assist frail, older people to participate in community life and feel socially included through structured, group-based activities that develop, maintain or support independent living and social interaction. 

The program employs a part-time CHSP Co-ordinator 21 hours per week to co-ordinate the program.